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Hello, Sisters in Christ!

My name is Amber. I am the owner of this blog titled Kingdom Woman Blog. The blog is to encourage the women of God's Kingdom. Posts will be inspirational, insightful, helpful, and maybe a little humorous.

I hope that the posts will be a blessing in your life in some way. We all need encouragement. Along the path of life, we face many challenges. That's when we really need encouragement from God's Word, and from each other. I hope this website will become a community where we can all lift each other up.

If you have an idea for a blog post, please contact me through email at

I am a Christian, wife, and mother. I thank God for all of His blessings on me, and for all of the wonderful people He has placed in my life.

Many blessings to you all! Thank you for supporting me on this blog journey.


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Cindy Walker
Cindy Walker
Mar 01, 2022

It is going to be a great blog. May God give you the guidance to encourage others

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